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Archiv Včelařské konference

Johan Zimbili --- 9. 6. 2003
Urgent contact with you

9th May 2003

Urgent Business Partner

May I through this medium seek for your co-operation and assistance in a business transaction that requires high confidentiality. I am Mr. Johan Zimbili, a native of Cape Town in South Africa and I work in the South African Department of Minerals & Energy. First and foremost, I apologize for using this medium to reach you for a transaction/business of this magnitude, but this is due to the prompt access this medium affords. I obtained your contact through trade and email listings over here at the department of trade, do not be alarmed over this as this form of contact is part of the regular business ethics over here.

I have the mandate of two of my senior colleagues to search discreetly and diligently for a partner that could assist us concerning a business matter which will be of mutual benefit to all. We do require your assistance in the transfer of US$15,5M(Fifteen Million, Five Hundred Thousand USD) abroad.

The amount US$15,5M represents an over-invoiced contract amount that was executed for my Ministry by a mining company, which has since gone into liquidation. Although the actual contract amount was paid to the company, the over-invoiced amount of US$15,5M has since been lying in the Ministry’s escrow account at the Reserve Bank of South Africa pending proper proof of claim. We are privy to this classified information by virtue of our position in the ministry. We have successfully secured payment approval for it.

More so, we are handicapped in the very circumstances, as the South African Civil Service "Code of Conduct" does not allow us to operate offshore accounts hence your importance in this whole transaction.

Please note your area of specialization is not a hindrance to the successful execution of this transaction. Endeavour to contact me immediately through my private mail: johanz/=/ecplaza.net to confirm whether or not you are interested in this transaction, it will enable me to scout for another possible partner to carry out this transaction with, if you happen not to be.

Lastly, I want to assure you that my partners and myself are in a position to make the payment of this claim possible, provided you can give us very strong assurance and guarantee that our share will be secured. This transaction has been given considerable thought, so as to safeguard the interests of those involved with the inclusion of your role. I implore you to keep this confidential.

Once again remember that time is of the essence in this transaction.

I await in anticipation of your fullest cooperation.

Yours Faithfully,

Johan Zimbili

do diskuze
na příspěvek
číslo 3223

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